Thursday, September 4, 2014

Michigan Shoreline 2014 Tour: Day Four

After bidding Candace goodbye, with sincere thanks for providing such a wonderful experience in Frankfort, we headed northeast towards Traverse City and the Mission Peninsula. The Mission Peninsula is a 15-odd mile long narrow peninsula that juts north from Traverse City and bisects Grand Traverse Bay.

Seagulls enjoying the curious human rock-stacking behavior
Mission Point Lighthouse

At the very north end of the Mission Peninsula is the Mission Point lighthouse...which is located on the 45th parallel of latitude, halfway between the Equator and the North Pole. It is worth mentioning that the Michigan Lighthouse Keeper Program is a popular summer program for a lot of amateur lighthouse keepers. We spoke with a number of volunteers who spend two weeks each summer in the Keeper's Quarters of several different lighthouses. The lighthouses are typically open to visitors from 10-5 and the volunteers provide visitors with information, but have the lighthouse to themselves the balance of the time.

Hessler Log Cabin
"Big Wheel" used for leverage in transporting logs

On the grounds of the Mission Point lighthouse is the Hessler log cabin, which provides an excellent example of typical 1850's dwellings in northern Michigan.

Vineyard netting operation to prevent birds from eating ripe grapes

Nine wineries are located on the Mission Peninsula and Candace had recommended two wineries with great views and good wine. Chateau Chantal is a beautiful property that includes a B&B with 11 rooms. Chantal also conducts daily tastings, tours, weddings, and their Event Calendar reveals numerous wine dinners and music events. Michigan is known more for white wines and Chantal's Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, ice wines and sparkling wines certainly followed that axiom. We particularly enjoyed their Sparkling Cherry wine!

Edgewater Inn Charlevoix
Charlevoix harbor as seen from our Edgewater balcony

Upon departing the Mission Peninsula, we caught Rt. 31 once again and headed north towards Charlevoix. As we approached Elk Rapids, we headed into a large thunderstorm. It was still raining lightly on our arrival in Charlevoix, but we were very pleased with our hotel room at the Edgewater Inn located next to the drawbridge and looking directly on the charming amphitheater-shaped harbor. We enjoyed dinner across the street at the Weathervane Restaurant, located directly adjacent to the canal where boats travel between the Charlevoix harbor and Lake Michigan. Mom & Art had recommended the Weathervane Restaurant to us as they had enjoyed lunch at the outdoor seating area by the canal on their most recent visit to Michigan.


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